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Ipswich architect’s proposals bring new wedding venue to Town Hall

The Pickwick room at Ipswich Town Hall

A proposal from an Ipswich architect will bring together two out-dated meeting rooms in the Town Hall and transform them into one romantic wedding venue.

The application submitted to the council by Nicholas Jacob Architects will update and refurbish the Pickwick Room and the adjacent Reading Room – making them much more attractive for marriage ceremonies.


Once the refurbishment is complete, the Grade II listed building, built in 1868, will take over from St Peter House as the town’s official register office. 

Suffolk County Council, which announced last year it was closing St Peter House, hopes the regeneration of the Town Hall will offer couples wanting a civil ceremony an impressive setting in the heart of Ipswich.

High Bunbury, lead architect for Nicholas Jacob Architects, said: “It is exciting to be designing a new interior to complement this very fine building, and to create something special for wedding couples.

“We are pleased to be assisting Ipswich Borough Council in realising this refit in a short timescale.”

While the Town Hall’s grand entrance hall and staircase are impressive, the Pickwick Room is comparatively underwhelming, having most recently been used for business meetings.

The Pickwick Room, on the upper entrance hall level, also overlooks busy Princes Street, which means the large sash windows – almost floor to ceiling – need to be adapted to keep out street noise.

In its Design and Access Statement, Nicholas Jacob Architects recommends new glazing to allow clear audibility and remove background noise for the civil ceremonies.

The scheme of decorations also includes five new chandeliers, concealed air conditioning, and new carpeting throughout.

Mr Bunbury said: “Our proposals will greatly improve The Pickwick Room, making it a stunning place for couples to tie the knot, while remaining true to the historic purpose and heritage of the Town Hall.”

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