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Bennett Homes applauds staff, celebrates 75th anniversary 

Award-winning family-run housebuilder Bennett Homes is marking 75 successful years of building traditional high-quality homes by recognising the significant contribution made by its staff.

In its early years, the company, with headquarters at Nowton near Bury St Edmunds, specialised in building bungalows for the retirement market. More recently, it has diversified its range of homes to appeal to first-time buyers, growing families and active retirees, as well as broadening the geographical spread of its developments.


Setting itself apart from larger housebuilders, Bennett Homes has put customers on top of the agenda to make moving an enjoyable experience. This has resulted in many customer service accolades over the years, including being named House Builder of the Year five times by the National Federation of Builders.

The company is now focusing on creating traditionally-built highly-specified homes in attractive semi-rural locations that enjoy excellent connectivity to other towns and cities.

Homes are designed for the way we live today, with high-performance energy-efficiency credentials and an increasing number of properties equipped with air source heat pumps and solar PV panels. Developments offer EV charging points, and landscaping incorporates wildflower open spaces to encourage bio-diversity, as well as bat and bird boxes, swift bricks and reptile refuges.

Edward Parker

Edward Parker, Managing Director, said: “After a challenging two years of the pandemic, we are delighted to be seeing high levels of interest from buyers at all our developments where we offer homes for contemporary living. Throughout our history, we have continually adapted our house types and interiors to reflect current lifestyles and to include features customers look for in a new home.

“In celebrating our 75 years in business, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for their loyalty and flexibility over the years, which is central to our success.”

Current developments include: The Alders in Alresford, Essex; St Edmund’s Park in Hunstanton, Norfolk; Milestones in Poringland, Norfolk; The Cricketers in Swardeston, Norfolk; and The Nightingales in Wrabness, Essex. The Paddocks in Blofield Heath, Norfolk will be launched soon.

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