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Suffolk Apprentice contest set for green-fingered challenge

Katie Emerson and Joannah Metcalfe. Photo: Warren Page

SIX Suffolk apprentices, bidding to become the winner in a special business competition, are to face their latest challenge this week.

The Suffolk Apprentice contest arrives at Riduna Park in Melton on Friday 23rd August, where stage five of eight takes place under the scrutiny of business judges.


A challenge has been created by the Suffolk Apprentice organisers, in conjunction with local CIC, Greener Growth. It will see each of the remaining six contenders having to plant a number of beds around the Melton business park.

The contestants will work in teams of three, with the likelihood that one hopeful Apprentice will be asked to leave the competition at the end of Friday’s challenge.

Peter Basford

Peter Basford, of the Suffolk Apprentice competition, said: “Throughout the year we are challenging the apprentices’ skills and business acumen to support local good causes.

“It is a real pleasure to be working with the Greener Growth team on this latest challenge – very different to the previous projects – to test the candidates negotiating skills and how they design the beds.  We look forward to seeing what they come up with.”

Joannah Metcalfe, founder of Greener Growth, has been pleased to be working on the challenge and is looking forward to seeing the contestants tackle the task.

“This is a great idea for getting young aspirational professionals to put their skills and creativity to use in a different way,” she said.

“My team and I will be on hand throughout the challenge and will be keen to see how the various competitors have approached the idea of selecting plants and putting them to use.

“We hope they’ll be considering a variety of factors, including cost, sustainability, appearance, and impact on the wider biodiversity at the park.”

The competition is being staged at Riduna Park, which is a modern business park on the edge of Woodbridge.

Katie Emerson, Project Manager for Riduna, said: “We’re very pleased to be hosting this event and wish the contestants the very best of luck.

“We’ve been very much enjoying our work with Greener Growth, so we hope the experience for the apprentices will be equally interesting and rewarding.”

The competition on Friday takes place from 10.30am, with final judging to complete at 4pm.

For more information about the Park and its offering, contact Katie on 01394 799 089 or email or

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