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Learning to be more resilient in the construction industry

Claire Foreman of Mixbrow (Photo: Paul Nixon Photography)

With the construction sector the largest contributor to business insolvencies each year in the UK, Mixbrow Construction’s Claire Foreman has undertaken the National Federation of Builders’ BeResilient organisational resilience leadership course, funded by the Construction Industry Training Board.

Claire explained: “Having worked at Mixbrow Construction for 16 years my role has changed drastically; I’ve become more involved in the actual company, focusing on business improvement.  When the opportunity to be part of the first cohort arose, I jumped at the chance to attend.


“It’s been a win-win for myself and the company; sharing the knowledge and techniques I have learnt means that we are stronger and better placed to adapt and successfully manage any changes that could impact our operations.”

In addition, Claire has also become a Construction Ambassador under the GoConstruct scheme. As well as enhancing personal development, the key aim of an Ambassador includes inspiring young people to take up a career in construction.

Mixbrow is based in Needham Market.

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