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Human Givens therapy available in Ipswich

Human Givens therapy is growing in popularity and a new psycotherapist and counsellor has set up near Ipswich.

Deborah Potts provides therapy for a wide number of conditions, from anxiety and depression, to phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Working from Chelmondiston, she states: “I specialise in human givens therapy, a proven and positive way to treat a wide range of mental health and emotional conditions. It quickly identifies the essential emotional or physical needs that you’re missing in life and guides you to rediscovering them.

“From anxiety and depression to self-harming, trauma (post-traumatic stress disorder), anger, addiction, relationship problems and more, this psychotherapy approach is science-based and works faster than other treatments.

‘Traumatic life events’

“As a registered nurse and health visitor of 35 years, 22 of those in the Army, I’ve seen first-hand the effects that emotional difficulties and traumatic life events can have on individuals and their families. Everyday activities that most of us take for granted can cause severe stress.”

As well as her own clients, Deborah receives referrals from Suffolk Mind and PTSD Resolution. She’s happy to take referrals from other agencies, including the NHS, and has an enhanced DBS disclosure.

Anyone wanting further information can contact Deborah on
07743 770 230, or visit her Human Givens therapy website.

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