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Sudbury’s Chilton Woods goes up for sale

Suffolk County Council is ready to market the first phases of the Chilton Woods site to developers.

Chilton Woods is a major new development on the edge of Sudbury which could see 1,150 homes, 1,900 new jobs created, and a new primary school built.


The county council owns much of the land for development which was given outline planning permission by Babergh District Council in March 2018.

It’s hoped the benefits of selling the land will include making sure a quarter of the homes are “affordable” – for rent or split tenure.

A land sale would see the county council sell its consented land to developers, either in phased parcels or as a whole. The land at Chilton Woods is expected to be developed over a period of up to 10 years with the first homes under construction in 2020/21.

A spokesman for Suffolk County Council said: “The council has been totally committed in bringing this site forward for development and secured planning permission following public consultation. We are pleased to have reached this next important stage.”

“Developers will need to gain agreement from Babergh District Council, as planning authority, on a range of matters including the detailed layout of the scheme, design and appearance of buildings and landscaping.”

Councillor Matthew Hicks, leader of Suffolk County Council, said: “I am pleased to see the Chilton Woods site move on to the next phase and I look forward to seeing the interest that follows.”

“Good quality and affordable homes are a key priority for Suffolk County Council. Development of this site will help provide that for Sudbury as well as giving the local area a welcome jobs boost.”

The marketing agents have been confirmed as Deloitte Real Estate and the site will be marketed for sale from 8th February 2019. Deloitte Real Estate will be working in collaboration with Concertus Design and Property Consultants who are managing the project on behalf of the Council.

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