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Cheeky birthday mug spreads lockdown cheer

May 2020 Worst Birthday Ever mug
May 2020 Worst Birthday Ever mug

People are sending a cheeky mug to friends and relatives which makes it abundantly clear that May 2020 will be their worst birthday ever.

The funny mug from Dirty Old Goat is proving popular throughout the UK and has even been sent from Suffolk to recipients as far away as Australia and the United States.


Available for just £8.99 plus post and packing, the mug brings a little light relief during the coronavirus lockdown.

Simon Young, who owns the online store, said: “I initially set up the website to provide funny mugs to readers of my satirical news site, the Suffolk Gazette.

“We already had some popular mugs but this May 2020 birthday one has been flying out of the door.

“We had an earlier April birthday mug, and on the assumption the coronavirus lockdown continues, we’ll be making a June version of the mug available as well.

“People need a bit of light relief, and this shows the British sense of humour is as strong as ever.”

You can buy one of the mugs here

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