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The cheapest (and most effective) way to get your business online

By Max Ward
SEO and Media Consultant, Logic Design

Everyone who is anyone has an online presence nowadays. It has become an essential part of businesses today to show up on Google and gain sales online. In February 2019, the Office for National Statistics reported continued growth in this area, with the percentage of total retail sales set to rise past 25% within the next few years.


For this reason, it’s a better time than ever to get listed online and start using the effective sales tool that is Google Search.

Source: Office of National Statistics

How can you begin your digital journey?

So, you’ve got a website set up and you’re ready to start diving into the wonderful world of digital. Hold on, though! Like all good things, Google rankings come to those who are patient.

You might be reading this and thinking: “I’d like to rank on Google”? Unfortunately, nobody can offer you 100% certain results. However, there are a few things you can do to place yourself in the perfect position to succeed.

Today, we’re going to explore some of the methods of beginning your online journey on a local basis.

Google MyBusiness

The first method of gaining exposure is adding your website (and your business) to Google’s index.

Google MyBusiness is a FREE offering from Google and it makes sense to take advantage of the largest free directory in the world. This becomes especially true, seeing as Google now has a 92% “share” of worldwide online searches, according to

To add your business onto Google, you’ll have to undertake the following steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Click “Start Now” & Sign in to your Google Account (this can be your personal or business account)
  3. Enter your Business’ name and click “Next”
  4. Choose whether you’d like to show your business’ location on Google Maps
    1. If yes –
      1. Choose Yes and click “Next”
      1. Enter your business address and click “Next”
    1. If no –
      1. Choose No and click “Next”
      1. List your service areas and click “Next”
  5. Add your business’ category using the search field – be as specific to your business as you can. When you’ve found this, click “Next”
  6. Enter a Phone Number and your Website Address, then click “Next”
  7. When you’re happy with the details as they are, click “Finish” and verify your ownership using the various options Google has for doing so.

Social media

Depending on your business type, your social media accounts may vary, so it’s important to consider which will be the most useful platform for your success (although they’re all free).

The three most frequently used social networks are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Each has its own “business” areas, but at the same time, each has its own drawbacks.

As you can imagine, Facebook is a very B2C platform. Very few solely B2B companies utilise their Facebook accounts because the audience simply isn’t there. Facebook is good for creating a connected network of individuals. However, its closed-group nature means you’re not likely to get maximum outreach from this medium.

Instagram, as a subsidiary of Facebook, is much the same although it is slightly less closed-off. Businesses that aren’t very visual struggle a lot with Instagram, as it requires lots of artwork, but businesses that can afford it can have incredibly successful targeted ad campaigns on Instagram.

Twitter is the social media that tends to mix B2C and B2B together the best. A Twitter campaign is most successful, much like SEO, when thorough keyword research is undertaken. Success can require a lot of time and energy, though – probably the most of all media – so it is the decision of a business owner as to whether they’d like to take advantage of Twitter.

The proven success of continued activity

As mentioned above, success online requires time and patience. It’s not going to magically happen for you overnight, but gaining a presence online is a start.

To us, a presence is gained by getting your name out there and making your voice heard. As a company that was once a start-up, Logic Design has specialised in continuous delivery of success, whether that be through Bespoke Website Designs, SEO or the Servers that the websites run on.

Our business began gaining traction through continued marketing and it continues to grow, so we’d advocate (and would be happy to help with) utilising Search Engine Optimisation and Social Media Marketing to gain your business some much-needed brand awareness.

If you need any assistance with beginning your digital journey, want to know how to take your next steps or would just like to ask us a question, take a look at our SEO page and give us a call on 01284 706842.

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