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Magnus Group returns to family ownership

Olly Magnus of the Magnus Group
Olly Magnus is honouring the legacy of his late father, Paul (Photo: Swallow Marketing)

A thriving Suffolk transport and logistics firm is beginning a bold new chapter – in the perfect tribute to its late founder.

Blakenham-based Magnus Group is now under the helm of Olly Magnus, son of the firm’s original driving force, Paul Magnus.


Known for having formed his own freight forwarding business – Burhill Logistics – as a partnership operation in 2003, Olly has now completed the sale of his Burhill proportion, in order to buy back a 40% stake of Magnus Group, following his father’s death in March.

Formed in the 1970s, Magnus Group has been providing warehousing, transportation and haulage for companies all over the UK and Europe, including major motor manufacturers.

With a fleet of over 50 articulated vehicles, and employing 110 staff, it had in recent years been under the shared ownership of Paul Magnus, together with businessman Mike Pattinson.

Determined to build a dynamic future for the Group formed by his father, and to do so with the brand returned fully to the family, Olly, 46, finalised his stake acquisition late this summer.

The company has moved swiftly to show its intentions in the marketplace and has since completed a rebrand and the purchase of additional warehousing space of approximately 105,000 sq ft.

At the same time, the business has been working toward its British Retail Consortium accreditation and has made significant new client wins, including one with a major supermarket chain.

“My family and I are delighted to have The Magnus Group back in our full ownership again, and very much feel it’s something my father would have been pleased to see,” said Olly.

“I grew up admiring everything Dad had done to create a business here in Suffolk which provided employment, trading relationships, and an incredible reputation for transport and logistics which spanned across the country, and wider.

“Now is my chance, as CEO of The Magnus Group, to take us forward into a much-changed world, but with the same foundations of commitment to our customers, and care of our staff.”

Calling on his own professional expertise, honed during his years heading Burhill, Olly has also used the weeks since acquiring the additional Magnus stake, to create a dedicated freight forwarding department.

He added: “I am fortunate to have developed a wealth of global contacts and opportunities in the freight forwarding arena, so I was keen to bring this into the Magnus offering, and am very much looking forward to seeing this area of our business develop in 2020 and beyond.

“We are now very much able to offer a ‘complete logistics package’, capturing freight, haulage, distribution, and warehousing.”

The company has made 12 hires since completing the acquisition, and Olly believes the start of the new decade will bring more opportunities for employment within the group.

“There’s no doubt this is an exciting time for us, and that we’ll be looking to grow in terms of our network, our sector focus, and our staff number,” Olly said.

“I’m proud of everything the business has achieved to date, and am thankful to the loyal and dedicated staff who have been part of our journey so far. For them, and for Dad and my family, I’m fully focused on making this next chapter a really positive and profitable one for the Group as we build on our reputation and innovate for the future.”

Magnus Group’s newly rebranded vehicles can now be seen sporting their bold green and black livery.

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